Take control of your health with Intero.

Intero is an AI Health Tracker that helps you to take charge of your health by recognizing health trends and abnormalities.

Intero is currently in Alpha

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AI Powered Health Solution

By leveraging datasets built by our team of physicians, our language models simulate daily doctor-patient interviews.

By asking the right questions, we analyze users’ perceptions to write reports that become more and more accurate with each passing day.

Reports can then be shared with their primary care physician.

Intero captures what other Health Journals don't. Like:

  • The User's emotional state

  • Muscle, joint, organ, nerve, and oral pain

  • Vision, hearing, smell, taste

  • Memory and cognition

  • Toxin exposure and much more

What does Intero mean?

The name Intero comes from the term Interoception, the mind perceiving the body. Pain, eating habits, discoloration, digestive distress, sexual dysfunction, sensory disturbance, cognition, all these dimensions are only accessible through active, interoceptive, reporting. There is as of yet no passive wearable capture modality for such information. By building an ML pipeline that can effectively habitulize daily interoception through probing questions, all the rich qualitative data can finally be captured and measured. When all this is then enriched, with traditional hard quant data from labs and wearables, a much more comprehensive picture of health takes shape.